On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Sergio <secipolla@gmail.com> wrote:
I have another observation.
I wouldn't ship Midori with the spin.
It isn't an Xfce app. It uses git.xfce.org but it's an Elementary Project app.*
It isn't so lightweight on resources. It's small but that's because it uses the stock webkit-gtk engine which isn't small (but, granted, GIMP needs it too so the spin doesn't get much larger).
But most importantly, it's unusable currently as it crashes everywhere and Firefox does the job pretty well.

* I used to use Midori as I translated it back then and kept always running the development version. I'm not a programmer so I can't say if one thing has to do with the other but ever since Christian (the main dev) started focusing on GTK3 support and that Ubuntu 'menu-on-the-panel' thing Midori went downhill. Mainly, I suppose, because the stock webkit-gtk engine browser crashes everywhere and so does Midori.

xfce mailing list
Sorry but midori is still a Xfce app, even if it's developed with some focus on keeping the elementary design. Also it's not that unstable if you just use it for basic web browsing.
I could observe a lot of crashes related to flash. If you try to avoid flash it works pretty flawless.
