Good evening,
Zarafa 7.1.13 has been submitted to updates-testing (Fedora EPEL 5, 6, 7 and Fedora 21). Here is the full list of changes in Zarafa 7.1.13 [51032]:
Zarafa Collaboration Platform 7.1.13 final [51032] ==================================================
Downstream changes ------------------
- Added patch to fix a possible XSS situation in WebAccess - Added patch to avoid non-working default font in WebAccess - Added patch to implement DHE/EDH support (aside of ECDHE)
Upstream changes ----------------
- ZCP-12956: Auto-accept meeting request does not work after update to ZCP 7.2 and 7.1.12 - ZCP-13401: Attachment handler closes file descriptor twice - ZCP-13405: Segmentation fault in ldap plugin - ZCP-13175: Mail from Mac OSX 10.10 sends broken umlauts - ZCP-13374: SIGABRT (6), out of memory or unhandled exception on RHEL 6 Zarafa 7.1.12 - ZCP-13222: Missing /etc/zarafa/php-mapi.cfg leads to segfault in Apache - ZCP-13439: umlauts broken with 7.1.13 RC1 - ZCP-13424: zarafa-server freezes afterECFileAttachment::LoadAttachmentInstance - ZCP-13473: zarafa-dagent cannot deliver all mails - ZCP-13493: zarafa-webaccess.conf is not available for Ubuntu 14.04
You should be able to update to Zarafa 7.1.13 by using something like:
yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing 'zarafa*'
on all Fedora releases and for Fedora EPEL you should use the following:
yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing 'zarafa*'
After testing, please add positive or negative karma to the Zarafa packages in Bodhi:
And if you should find bugs or issues, please fill a bug report in Red Hat Bugzilla as described here:
Your feedback is very much appreciated.
Greetings, Robert