[Fedora-directory-devel] SELinux

Richard Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Tue Jan 31 14:41:47 UTC 2006

Arjen Heidinga wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a SELinux ruleset somewhere?

There are rulesets in Fedora Core 5.  One of the SELinux developers 
added them.  However, that ruleset is based on an upcoming version of 
the software and does not apply to the current version.  Paths have been 
moved around, files have been renamed.

> I read somewhere that if someone knows how to set up a ruleset to 
> inform you. (I assumed 'you' means 'developers').


> I know how to set up a SeLinux ruleset thing. Thing is; this is a hell 
> of a job... IF there is something unfinisches oid from someone i might 
> want to use is. I could use a list or something with things that dont 
> work with SELinux enabled, should i search the bugreports or so?

The main thing right now is our Admin Server.  The Fedora DS 1.x Admin 
Server uses an instance of Apache, but it doesn't use any of the 
standard locations like /var/www, /var/log, or /etc/httpd.  RHEL4/Fedora 
Core has default selinux policy for Apache but this seems to disallow 
certain Admin Server operations.


> Please CC to my personal mail couse i'm not on the list. Thanks
> Arjen Heidinga
>Fedora-directory-devel mailing list
>Fedora-directory-devel at redhat.com
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