[Fedora-directory-devel] Re: RPATH status

David Boreham david_list at boreham.org
Tue Mar 13 04:22:08 UTC 2007

Andrew Bartlett wrote:

>Not in particular, but an interesting point was made on the fedora-devel
>list:  If the 'wrapped' binary forks a child, then that unrelated child
>also inherits the environment, which may not be desired. 
FDS never forks anything. I suppose a perl backend or the link
might _exec_ a child but I can't imagine why it would be useful to fork 

>In Samba4, we 'solved' the similar problems (on a smaller scale) by
>including the code statically.  I can't claim that's a Superior
Bah ! I spent an entire weekend in 1996 making that code into a shared 

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