[Fedora-directory-devel] Please review (revised): LDAPI+AUTOBIND

Andrey Ivanov Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.fr
Wed May 21 13:37:24 UTC 2008


On  the page of ldapi/auto-bind I have found the following paragraph :

If  "nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries"  value  is  "on",  the uid and gid are
searched  with the filter "(&(uidNumber=<uid>)(gidNumber=<gid>)" under
the  search  base "nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase". Once a matched entry
is  found, the client is authenticated as the entry. The uidNumber and
gidNumber      attribute      name      are      configurable     with
"nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype"     and     "nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype",
respectively. Password is not necessary in the authentication.

What  happens  if  there  are  serveral  entries  corresponding to the
abovementioned  filter? The bind is refused or there is a random bind?
Or  it  will  make  an anynymous bind? I think this question should be
clearly  defined  (as  it  is defined in PKI external authentification
avec FDS).

Andrey Ivanov

Direction des Systemes d'Information
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau CEDEX

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