[389-devel] various admin server stuff

Rich Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Thu Oct 8 18:37:39 UTC 2009

I'd like to move mod_admserv and mod_restartd into the admin.git repo as 
sub-directories.  I couldn't figure out a way to migrate the CVS history 
data into a git subdirectory, so I was thinking about just copying the 
files in there with no history.  Is this ok?  We can always refer back 
to the old CVS repo if we need to see history.

It turns out we can't get rid of mod_restartd and use mod_suexec.  
mod_suexec explicitly forbids running CGIs as root, so we can't use that 
to start the servers.  I don't really like the fact that we have to 
support this module for the sole purpose of being able to remotely 
start, restart, and create instances of servers that run on low ports.  
For one, mod_restartd is and always will be a security nightmare waiting 
to happen - it is just a bad, bad idea to execute CGIs as root (or run 
the admin server as root).  For another, usually init or something like 
daemontools does a much better job of making sure remote servers are 
running (e.g. restarting after a crash).  You always have to run 
setup-ds-admin.pl when installing on a remote system, and that creates 
the directory server instance, so I'm not really sure how useful it is 
to be able to remotely create instances.  I'd like to propose that we 
make this feature optional (that is, can build admin server without it) 
and possibly get rid of it altogether.

I would also like to relax the requirement that we have to use the 
threaded model Apache.  The only reason we require this is because 
mod_admserv caches the auth credentials and ACIs in memory, in case you 
need to perform a task while the config DS is down (e.g. like start or 
restart).  There are a few changes required to mod_admserv to relax this 

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