[389-devel] Please review: [389 Project] #293: remove-ds-admin.pl does not remove everything

Noriko Hosoi nhosoi at redhat.com
Thu Dec 20 02:25:14 UTC 2012



Bug Description: While remove-ds.pl takes "-a" option to remove
all the directories and files generated by setup-ds.pl, the
corresponding remove-ds-admin.pl for the entire system including
the Admin Server does not support "-a" option.

Fix Description: This patch makes remove-ds-admin.pl support
"-a" option. Admin Server setup script setup-ds-admin.pl backs
up the original files admserv.conf, httpd.conf, nss.conf,
console.conf, cert8.db, key3.db and secmod.db in the bakup
directory. By passing "-a" to remove-ds-admin.pl, it removes
directory server instances belonging to the Admin Server and
restores the files backed up by setup-ds-admin.pl. If "-a" is
not passed, the above files remain in the config directory.

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