[389-devel] Please review: [389 Project] #342: better error message when cache overflows

Noriko Hosoi nhosoi at redhat.com
Wed Jan 16 00:19:11 UTC 2013



  Bug description: ACL cache overflow error message is not very clear
  and repeated too many times.

  Fix description:
  1) print a message like this:
     Your ACL cache of %d slots has overflowed.  This can happen
     when you have many ACIs.  This ACI evaluation requires %d
     slots to cache. You can increase your max value by setting
     the attribute nsslapd-aclpb-max-selected-acls in cn=ACL
     Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config to a value higher. A server
     restart is required.
  2) print the error message only once per ACI evaluation instead
     of hundreds of times

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