[389-devel] fractional replication monitoring proposal

Ludwig Krispenz lkrispen at redhat.com
Wed Oct 16 15:05:49 UTC 2013

On 10/15/2013 10:41 PM, Mark Reynolds wrote:
> https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47368
> So we run into issues when trying to figure out if replicas are in 
> synch(if those replicas use fractional replication and "strip mods").  
> What happens is that an update is made on master A, but due to 
> fractional replication there is no update made to any replicas. So if 
> you look at the ruv in the tombstone entry on each server, it would 
> appear they are out of synch.  So using the ruv in the db tombstone is 
> no longer accurate when using fractional replication.
> I'm proposing a new ruv to be stored in the backend replica entry: 
> e.g. cn=replica,cn="dc=example,dc=com",cn=mapping tree,cn=config. I'm 
> calling this the "replicated ruv".  So whenever we actually send an 
> update to a replica, this ruv will get updated.
I don't see how this will help, you have an additional info on waht has 
been replicated (which is available on the consumer as well) and you 
have a max csn, but you don't know if there are outstanding fractional 
changes to be sent.
> Since we can not compare this "replicated ruv" to the replicas 
> tombstone ruv, we can instead compare the "replicated ruv" to the ruv 
> in the replica's repl agreement(unless it is a dedicated consumer - 
> here we might be able to still look at the db tombstone ruv to 
> determine the status).
> Problems with this approach:
> -  All the servers need to have the same replication configuration(the 
> same fractional replication policy and attribute stripping) to give 
> accurate results.
> -  If one replica has an agreement that does NOT filter the updates, 
> but has agreements that do filter updates, then we can not correctly 
> determine its synchronization state with the fractional replicas.
> -  Performance hit from updating another ruv(in cn=config)?
> Fractional replication simply breaks our monitoring process. I'm not 
> sure, not without updating the repl protocol, that we can cover all 
> deployment scenarios(mixed fractional repl agmts, etc). However, I 
> "think" this approach would work for most deployments(compared to none 
> at the moment).  For IPA, since they don't use consumers, this 
> approach would work for them. And finally, all of this would have to 
> be handled by a updated version of repl-monitor.pl.
> This is just my preliminary idea on how to handle this. Feedback is 
> welcome!!
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark
> -- 
> Mark Reynolds
> 389 Development Team
> Red Hat, Inc
> mreynolds at redhat.com
> --
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