[389-devel] new python management library for 389

thierry bordaz tbordaz at redhat.com
Fri Oct 18 19:41:05 UTC 2013

On 10/18/2013 10:14 AM, Roberto Polli wrote:
> Hi @all,
> I've just check out https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/389/lib389.git/ and I'll
> check the layout nkinder set up.
> Then I'll ask you how to import the first tests using py.test.
> Peace,
> R:
Hi Roberto,

    After some differents evaluations we found dsadmin to be most
    advanced implemented of what will be lib389.
    I opened ticket https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47566 to import
    dsadmin in lib389 to be our base lib.
    I checkout dsadmin branch, merged locally
    https://github.com/richm/dsadmin/pull/5 and did some tests.
    It worked very well but I had to do some slight modifications to
    create master and allow instance removal.
    I was about to push it into lib389. An other possibility is that I
    do a pull request on dsadmin for those modifications (or send you
    the patch) and we will populate lib389 from dsadmin after. Just let
    me know what is your preferred option.

    lib389 is really at a starting phase. Jan and I have been testing
    differents ideas and finally choose to use pytest framework.  Jan
    implemented a mechanism to catch any IOs (from to print to
    subprocess print) into a logger and that could be an enhancement
    bring to lib389.

best regards
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