[389-devel] Please review lib389 ticket 47568: Rename DSAdmin class (2nd)

thierry bordaz tbordaz at redhat.com
Fri Oct 25 09:44:31 UTC 2013

On 10/25/2013 11:38 AM, Roberto Polli wrote:
> On Friday 25 October 2013 11:18:53 thierry bordaz wrote:
>>> lib389/brooker.py:795: python variable naming convention: I would get
>>> stick
>>> with the "_" instead of camelCase  and change whenever possible.
>> If you prefer to use '_' also for local variable, I am fine.
> Using camel just for classes is more explicative, and I find that "_"  are
> easier to read and replace with sed ;)
>>> tests/dsadmin_test.py: I renamed it lib389_test.py, you can merge my
>>> changes tests/dsadmin_test.py:39: why remove the addbackend_harn?
>> Humm, to be honest... I do not know how to rename files :-)
> git mv dsadmin_test.py lib389_test.py ;)
:-[ !! so easy :-D
>>> tests/replica_test.py:119: you're using Backend.delete in a class that
>>> should test just Replica. I would use harness and the standard
>>> python-ldap methods in setup/teardown, so that we can change the Backend
>>> and Replica class without at least breaking the tests.
>> I miss your point. It is calling in teardown conn.backend.delete, is
>> that the call that is not correct ?
> That's just an IMHO: see those cases:
> 1- I change the Backend class and break the replica test: I'll look for errors
> in Replica while the issue is in Backend
> 2- somebody works on the Backend class, I work on the Replica one: he can
> break my tests.
> Splitting the test stuff in an harness module will reduce the impact of all
> that. As an example, I could even agree the setup process be done populating
> entries via an LDIF. If I test Replica, Backend or Suffix I shouldn't have
> other dependencies distracting me.

Is that related to Mock. For example in Replica, we need a suffix and a 
replica but do not want to rely on them.
If instead of creating a real suffix/backend, we have mock of them we 
could develop the replica tests without any concerns regarding further 
changes in suffix/backend.
Is that your concern ?

> Let me know + Peace,
> R.

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