[389-devel] Please review lib389 ticket 47578: removal of 'sudo' and absolute path in lib389

Jan Rusnacko jrusnack at redhat.com
Wed Oct 30 18:56:30 UTC 2013

Hello Thierry,

layout OK.

As for tests - instead of reinventing the wheel by defing class Test_standAlone
to set up instance, use py.test fixture.

Also, you should not force setup, test, teardown execution for each test by
specifying sub-methods for each test. Testing framework (py.test) should be
doing that. I think this will make your tests fail badly if some exception
occurs - if _test_ticket47560_setup raises exception, it will propagate back to
py.test and cleanup method will never be executed for that ticket.

Also, I believe each ticket should have its own file which contains one or more
testcases. I think that would reasonably group relevant things together.

On 10/30/2013 05:57 PM, thierry bordaz wrote:
> https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47578/0001-Ticket-47578-CI-tests-removal-of-sudo-and-absolute-p.patch
> --
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