[389-devel] Review Request for test cases

Mark Reynolds mareynol at redhat.com
Thu Aug 6 12:43:14 UTC 2015

On 08/06/2015 06:24 AM, Amita Sharma wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have automated few test cases for 
> https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47910/ .
> Here is my patch :: 
> https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47910/0001-Ticket-47910-allow-logconv.pl-S-E-switches-to-work-e.2.patch
> I request for your valuable feedback.
Hi Amita,

Thanks for writing a lib389 test!  I do have some comments, see below...

In function log_dir:

First, you are using the DATA directory for temporary storage, you 
should be using the TMP dir - this way the contents are removed for you 
before the next test runs.

ldif_file = topology.standalone.getDir(__file__, TMP_DIR) + 

Note, for future tests, if you need to store files permanently, they 
should be in subdirectories of DATA:

     getDir(__file__, DATA_DIR) + "/ticket47910/ticket47910.ldif"

Next in log_dir

You are generating an ldif file, and then importing it for each test 
function.  This seems excessive for trying to generate logging. The only 
thing that is logged is the adding of the task entry.  So like 6 lines 
of logging.  It would be easier/faster to just do a single search.  You 
can also disable access log buffering so you don't have to wait for the 
logging to be written to disk.

There is a shortcut function for setting access log buffering:

topology.standalone.setAccessLogBuffering (False)

You still need to sleep for 1 second, but it's a lot better than 50 seconds.

The rest looks good.

> Thanks & Regards,
> Amita
> -- 
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