[Fedora-directory-users] v1.0-2 admin server as non-root user?

Richard Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Tue Dec 6 21:33:59 UTC 2005

Kevin M. Goess wrote:

>Has anyone been able to install the admin server as a non-root user?  With a 
>fresh install, not an upgrade, if I try to use a non-root user "ldapas" 
>instead then the admin server refues to start and leaves a cryptic error 
>message in the logs. Any suggestions?
>$ setup/setup
>Can't start Admin server [/opt/fedora-ds/start-admin > /tmp/file2dDMoZ 2>&1] 
>(error: No such file or directory)
>You can now use the console.  Here is the command to use to start the console:
>cd /opt/fedora-ds
>./startconsole -u admin -a http://straylight.ensenda.com:16116/
>INFO Finished with setup, logfile is setup/setup.log
>[/opt/fedora-ds]$ lsl -ad .
>drwxr-xr-x  15 ldapas ldapas 4096 Dec  6 13:12 ./
>[/opt/fedora-ds]$ sudo ./start-admin
>[/opt/fedora-ds]$ telnet localhost 16116
>telnet: connect to address Connection refused
>[/opt/fedora-ds]$ tail admin-serv/logs/error
>[Tue Dec 06 13:14:06 2005] [crit] host_ip_init(): PSET failure: Failed to 
>create PSET handle (pset error = )
>Configuration Failed
This is a permissions problem.  Did you use the same user for the 
directory server as for the admin server?
What's in the file /tmp/file2dDMoZ?
What is the output of
ls -l admin-serv/config

>[/opt/fedora-ds]$ grep ldapas /etc/passwd
>On a side note, is there any reason not to use the standard redhat "ldap" user 
>instead of "nobody" for the default suggested slapd user?
You should be able to use "ldap".

>My impression was 
>that "nobody" should not own any files on the filesystem.
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