[Fedora-directory-users] (no subject)

Richard Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Tue Dec 20 15:21:14 UTC 2005

Steve Saady wrote:

>I am trying to migrate from OpenLDAP to Fedora-DS.  The LDAPImport utility seems like the fastest and easiest way to do it. Unfortunately, for me, it fails.  At the command line, it reports:
>"Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at 
>LdapConnectionManager.pm line 486, <STDIN> line 9."
>The log file reports: 
>"LdapConnectionManager: Currently connected -- searching."
>TCPdump, indicates that the base DN of my search is null.  I do not
>think this is relative, but when the script asks for the "email domain",
>suggesting "netscaperoot", is that my normal e-mail domain?  The example
>confuses me.  Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. 
I haven't looked at the script, but it sounds like it first does a 
search like this:
ldapsearch -s base -b "" objectclass=* namingContexts
to get a list of naming contexts on your server.  When you setup Fedora 
DS, it should have created a suffix like
You should probably use this one for your e-mail suffix, or domain.tld 
for your e-mail domain.  NetscapeRoot is only used for internal 
operations (console, admin server) - it's not meant to be used by other 

>Which brings me to my current dilemma... Unable to use LDAPImport, I try
>the  ol-schema-migrate.pl script, re-dir to a new file (i.e.,
>perl ./ol-schema-migrate.pl inetorgperson.schema >
>XXinetorgperson.ldif).  What should I call those resulting files?  I
>assume I should call them *.ldif, but how do I determine what numeric
>prefix to give them?  The highest numbers I have currently are 60
>(60pam-plugin.ldif), and then 99 (99user.ldif).  Should I just number
>mine counting up from 61?
You should not need to migrate standard schema files like 
inetorgperson.schema or core.schema - Fedora DS should already have 
those - unless you modified those schema files (but you wouldn't do 
that).  You should only have to migrate things like samba.schema (which 
is not yet included with Fedora DS) or custom schema.

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>Fedora-directory-users at redhat.com
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