[Fedora-directory-users] Hostname does not match CN....

Susan logastellus at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 4 14:32:52 UTC 2006

--- Alex aka Magobin <magobin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On mar, 2006-04-04 at 06:59 -0700, Susan wrote:
> > 
> > --- Alex aka Magobin <magobin at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Ok...omit cluster...if I have a server Fedora DS (A) that it's ssl
> > > server too...until A is alone I configure my clients to point at this
> > > server for authentication and I tested it works perfectly..now I want
> > > another server for load balancing replicated in
> > > multimaster(B)...now...how can I set up ssl for this scenario ? This
> > 
> > I have this exact setup.  2 FDSs, MMR over SSL.
> > 
> yes, you have this scenario like me...I maked my test with your help
> too...but how can you authenticate clients?....They always point to cn
> that exports CA...so if you maked CA on A...and you shutdown it DS is
> still up in B but clients never login using B because CN is different
> and they report that hostname does not match CN in peer certificate...

If A is down, the clients go to B because of this entry:  (in the client's

HOST cnyldap01 cnjldap01

Now, I'm not verifying the FDS identity so I'm not using FQDN but that's a minor point.  If
cnyldap01 is down, it goes to cnjldap01 immediately.  There's about a half a second delay.

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