[Fedora-directory-users] Schema Conversion (again).

Robert r. Sanders robert.sanders at ipov.net
Thu Apr 6 21:51:26 UTC 2006

We're trying to get the Zimbra Collaboration Suite to talk to a Fedora 
Directory Server (Zimbra by default uses its own version of OpenLDAP).  
Zimbra includes LDAP schema files, and we've tried to use Mike Jackson's 
schema migration tool ol-schema-migrate.pl as well as the ol2rhds.pl 
script.  The problem appears to be that the schema in question makes 
heavy use of the OpenLDAP OID Macros (see 
http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin23/schema.html , the "OID Macros" 
section at the bottom of the page).

Does anyone know of any tools which would help? 

A sample of the original schema is:

    objectIdentifier ZimbraRoot
    objectIdentifier ZimbraLDAP ZimbraRoot:2
    objectIdentifier ZimbraAttrType ZimbraLDAP:1
    objectIdentifier zimbraComponentAvailable ZimbraAttrType:242
    attributetype ( zimbraComponentAvailable
            NAME 'zimbraComponentAvailable'
            DESC 'Names of additonal components that have been installed'
            EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
            SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
            SYNTAX{64} )

The complete schema can be viewed at -  

My understanding is that OpenLDAP knows to replace the "attributetype ( 
zimbraComponentAvailable" with "attributetype (" 
(or something similar).

The referenced perl scripts output:

    attributeTypes: (
      NAME 'zimbraComponentAvailable'
      DESC 'Names of additonal components that have been installed'
      EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
      SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch

which fails to load properly as the symbolic name 
"zimbraComponentAvailable" is not replaced by the actual value. 

Anyway, any help would be very appreciated.


    Robert r. Sanders
    Chief Technologist
    (334) 821-5412

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