[Fedora-directory-users] OS Migration

Jim Summers jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu
Mon Apr 10 16:12:30 UTC 2006

Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Richard Megginson wrote:
>> Jim Summers wrote:
>>> Hello List,
>>> I am closing in on my target date to switch over to FDS.  On my test 
>>> machines I have been running with FC4.  I need to re-install the 
>>> operating system and when I do I will have to use RHEL4.
>>> My plan was to shutdown the DS.
>>> Then make a tarball of /opt/fedora-ds and several other directories.
>>> Next re-install with RHEL4
>>> Drop in my iptables
>>> Install fedora-ds and verify the OS / performance settings.
>>> Then extract my fedora-ds tarball
>>> and then hold my breath and start the DS service(s) and presto all is 
>>> well???
>> I have no idea.  It should work, but I really don't know if there are 
>> any runtime dependencies in the FDS FC4 RPM binaries that will break 
>> when run on RHEL4.

I plan on installing the FDS with the rpm from:

and use the fedora-ds-1.0.2-1.RHEL4.i386.opt.rpm

>>> Does this sound like a feasible approach?
>>> I am a little unsure if it will break any of my configured ssl 
>>> stuff.  Which is a basic self-signed scenario using the 
>>> /opt/fedora-ds/shared/bin/certutil for the key generation.
>> I don't think that will be a problem as long as you don't change the 
>> hostname of the machine.
> Also note that upgrading could be a problem since you aren't doing a 
> standard RPM installation to begin with. You might be able to "trick" it 
> by installing the Fedora RPM and then untarring over top of that.

Ah, Now I see the problem.  What about only untarring the following 
directories from my backed up DS from /opt/fedora-ds:


Then I should have my config, ssl, and directory with my 99user schema.

Would this be cleaner?

Thanks again.

> rob
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Jim Summers
School of Computer Science-University of Oklahoma

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