[Fedora-directory-users] Kerberos database in FDS?

Andrey Ivanov Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.edu
Thu Feb 2 09:24:09 UTC 2006


I was wondering if anyone tried a configuration with Kerberos using
LDAP as database. After some searching it seems that MIT kerberos is
not capable to do that. However, Heimdal has a special option for
that. The only problem is that this option is applicable only to
openldap and only to unix socket connections. At least that's what is
told in the doc and in numerous howtos. There is also a special schema
extension for storing these data in openLDAP. I haven't found these
objects (krb* or kerberos*) in FDS schema....

Can anyone tell anything about a possibility of using Kerberos with
the key/principals database stored in Fedora Directory Server, please?

Thank you

Andrey Ivanov
tel +33-(0)1-69-33-99-24
fax +33-(0)1-69-33-99-55

Direction des Systemes d'Information
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau CEDEX

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