[Fedora-directory-users] How can I check other user info in non-privileged mode?

ashley ashley at csse.uwa.edu.au
Thu Apr 19 03:36:22 UTC 2007

I think I've documented this somewhere in my documents somewhere.

But the short story is, it depends on how you bind to your LDAP directory 
ie anonymously or with bind to it with a user/pw etc.

Normally normal users don't (Ie only user who has power is root everyone 
is useless unless they are elevated to root via sudoers etc) have the 
necessary previledges to do a lookup in the LDAP information although they 
are authenticated.

To solve this problem you need to run name service cache daemon or nscd 
which basically binds the lookup as root which caches the information 
locally for users ie passwd, shadow, group etc.

 					Regards Ashley

On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Yu Joe wrote:

> Dear all
> I've just set up fedora directory server for centrailizing my system
> accounts . I could  log in the system by any of my ldap accounts, but
> suddently  found I cannot get other user info by "id" or "getent passwd"
> command when I was in the non-privileged user mode.  Does anyone know why?
> Because I can do this in root-user or nis enviornment. Somebody helps,
> please. Thanks anyway.
> Joe Yu
> One of the RHCEs in Taiwan.
> !DSPAM:272,4623313116977933430235!

Ashley Chew - Systems Administrator
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
University of Western Australia
Tel: (+61 8) 6488 7082 - Fax: (+61 8) 6488 1089
Ashley[@]csse.uwa.edu.au - http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~ashley

"There is no such thing as Fate, Fate is what you make of it!"

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