[Fedora-directory-users] Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6

Del del at babel.com.au
Fri Aug 24 06:22:42 UTC 2007

>> So it looks like it's attempting a connection to the LDAP server in 
>> somewhere, possibly looking for the current uid, and then looking in 
>> /etc/hosts
>> for the current host name.
> What process is this strace from?  ns-slapd?  httpd.worker?

httpd.worker.  It's the admin server that's failing, the DS is working

> What user and group is the server running as?  Does it have to make an 
> nss_ldap call to get these user IDs?  If so, then this is likely the 
> problem.

The user and group are ldap.ldap (I decided for consistency's sake to
use the pre-existing user accounts when converting across from OpenLDAP).

The user accounts are in /etc/passwd and /etc/group and not in LDAP so
there should be no nss_ldap call to find them.

/etc/nsswitch.conf says:

passwd:     files ldap
shadow:     files ldap
group:      files ldap

Babel Com Australia
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