[Fedora-directory-users] Admin console's default view is empty

Noriko Hosoi nhosoi at redhat.com
Mon Feb 5 18:33:24 UTC 2007

Oscar A. Valdez wrote:
> El vie, 02-02-2007 a las 13:27 -0800, Noriko Hosoi escribió:
>> Oscar A. Valdez wrote:
>>> The backup was created and restored with db2bak. Would this imply that
>>> the backup contained the Admin Server's ou=duraflex.com.sv" and that it
>>> was imported into a Directory Server with "ou=duraflex"?
>> That's most likely what happened to your server...
>>> Again, as I said, I'm willing to try changing the Admin Server over to
>>> "ou=duraflex". I'll appreciate your pointers on how to do it.
>> Well, I'd try the following, but since we haven't tested it, we don't 
>> know how it ends up...
>> 1. shutdown the admin server and console
>> 2. go to your <server_root>/admin-serv/config
>> 3. replace "ou=duraflex.com.sv" with "ou=duraflex" in all the files in 
>> the directory
>> 4. restart the admin server, then console
>> 5. login on the console
>> Hope it goes fine...
> I think it went in the  right direction. After logging in, I got two
> ou's in the console's default view: "duraflex.com.sv" and "duraflex". I
> deleted the first one. The second one can be expanded to show the server
> "pendragon", which in turn can be expanded to show an "Administration
> Server" and a "Directory Server". However, when I click the first, it
> tries but fails to download and install server component admserv10.jar,
> and when I click the second, it tries but fails to install server
> component ds10.jar.
> In addition, the admin-serv error log has lines like this:
> [crit] populate_tasks_from_server(): Unable to search
> [cn=admin-serv-pendragon, cn=Fedora Administration Server, cn=Server
> Group, cn=pendragon.duraflex.com.sv, ou=duraflex, o=NetscapeRoot] for
> LDAPConnection [pendragon.duraflex.com.sv:389]
Hmm, that does not sound right...  How about resuming the 
admin-serv/config files and changing the Directory Server side?

1. shutdown the admin server and console
2. go to your <server_root>/admin-serv/config
3. replace back to "ou=duraflex.com.sv" in all the files in the directory
4. go to your config directory server instance dir: <server_root>/slapd-<id>
5. export DIT under o=netscaperoot: 
   $ db2ldif -n NetscapeRoot
   ldiffile: <server_root>/slapd-<id>/ldif/<date_time>.ldif
   [...] - export NetscapeRoot: Processed 103 entries (100%).
6. edit the <date_time>.ldif file: replace "ou=duraflex" with "ou=duraflex.com.sv"
   The word may be split across two lines.  Please be careful if you substitute the word automatically.
7. stop the directory server: stop-slapd
8. import the <date_time>.ldif file: ldif2db -n NetscapeRoot -i <server_root>/slapd-<id>/ldif/<date_time>.ldif 
9. restart the directory server: start-slapd
10. restart the admin server, then console
11. login on the console

If this does not work, you'd better re-install the server and import your data to the new server.
1. on the current directory server, export the data into ldif files.
   go to your <server_root>/slapd-<id>; run "db2ldif -n <backend>" for each backend (e.g., userRoot) EXCEPT NetscapeRoot
2. install new FDS
3. go to the <new_server_root>/slapd-<id>
4. stop the directory server
5. import the ldif files from the current directory server
   repeat "ldif2db -n <backend> -i <server_root>/slapd-<id>/<date_time>.ldif" for each <date_time>.ldif file exported in (1).
6. start the directory server


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