[Fedora-directory-users] How to ensure case sensitive authorisation?

Richard Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Tue Feb 6 15:14:16 UTC 2007

Ankur Agarwal wrote:
> Hi,
> In our LDAP I have a userID = "aagarwal" existing. My application 
> authenticates successfully when i provide username as "aagarwal" or 
> even as "*A*agarwal". Is there a way to ensure case-sensitive 
> authentcation?
> In documentation i see some plugins :
> Case Exact String Syntax Plug-in and
> Case Ignore String Syntax Plug-in
> Any idea if these are to be used to enforce case sensitive 
> authentication? If yes then how to configure these?
I would strongly discourage you from using the plugins to do this.  The 
problem is that the attribute "uid" is not case sensitive.  You could 
hack the server to make this case sensitive, but the better option is to 
use another attribute.  Either find one or create your own e.g. uidcs or 
something like that.  If you just really, really, really must have the 
LDAP standard "uid" attribute be case sensitive, and I have not been 
able to discourage you enough from doing this, then you can hack the 
schema file 00core.ldif and change the syntax to use the case sensitive 
string syntax.
> regards,
> Ankur
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