[389-users] what are components of FDS?

Kỳ Anh, Huỳnh xkyanh at gmail.com
Thu May 14 09:11:03 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I am going to install FDS on a FreeBSD jail. This means that FDS will use FC8 compatibility mode which provided by FreeBSD 7.2. I downloaded the binary version of FDS 1.04 (fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.FC6.i386.opt.rpm) and my initial installation worked perfectly. This is only a *test* and now I'd like to install the latest version of FDS. I searched at 


but there were so many packages that made me confused. I'd like to know:

(1) what are components of FDS 1.2.0 and what files should I download to get FDS worked in FC8? (If FDS binaries work on FC8 they should work on a FreeBSD jail ;)

(2) is it necessary to start the web interface of FDS? I just like to setup a LDAP database and then run all from command lines without touching the web browsers (yes I hate GUI). If this is the case I will run only FDS service and have nothing to do with Apache/Java requirements of FDS. In fact I don't want to install any web servers on my FDS server. 

Your helps are highly appreciated. And if you have ever experienced FDS on FreeBSD please give me some advices!


Ky Anh, Huynh
Homepage: http://viettug.org/

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