[389-users] Can the authconfig command line tool create home directories?

Andrew Commons andrew.commons at bigpond.com
Thu Feb 4 22:13:19 UTC 2010

Edward Capriolo wrote:

> Andrew, I have worked with this before. The problem is the home
> directory is done with/by the pam mk_homdir module.

> 1) You might be missing this module
> 2) some daemons SMB, XWindows do not have a pam.d stack correctly to
> include this module. If your login is via SSH check that you
> /etc/pam.d/ssh includes the mk_home_dir in your stack

Edward, thanks for that suggestion. I'll investigate further but I don't
think it's the problem. If I just create the user in the 389 directory and I
have "Create home directories on the first login" enabled then the Home
directory _is_ created at first login but Gnome then goes pear-shaped after
that and the directory does not get populated with all the Gnome-related
bits required for the desktop to function. This results in an account that
can authenticate correctly but cannot get past the login screen.

I'm assuming that creating the Home directory is what pam_mk_homdir is all
about and that after that it's up to whatever desktop display manager you
are using to fill in the gaps.


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