[389-users] Authentication failed because the server was unable to generate authentication credentials. The authentication database could not be opened.

Maurizio Marini maumar at cost.it
Sat Mar 31 08:20:38 UTC 2012

On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 14:45:28 -0600
Rich Megginson <rmeggins at redhat.com> wrote:

Hello Richard

> > Is there any dsgw log to diagnose better the issue?
> ls -al /var/run/dirsrv/dsgw

> ls -al /var/run/dirsrv/dsgw/cookies

> the admin server logs are in /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv
there is nothing newer than 1 day ago

if i enter a wrong password, i get an error on 
and using credentials i am able to exec ldap search

ldapsearch -x -b "ou=People,dc=xx,dc=it" -D "uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=it" -w xxx  "(objectClass=person)"  uid 
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=it> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectClass=person)
# requesting: uid 

# udiprova, People, xxx.it
dn: uid=udiprova,ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=it
uid: udiprova

# bpb001, People, xxx.it
dn: uid=bpb001,ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=it
uid: bpb001

# xxx, People, xxx.it
dn: uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=it
uid: xxx

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 4
# numEntries: 3

the issue is *after* authentication, the authentication with ldap is ok, 
but after that, something into dsgw goes wrong

maybe there is something wrong in dsgw.conf:
baseurl ldap://localhost:389/ou%3DPeople,dc%3Dxxx,dc%3Dit
dirmgr "cn=Directory Manager"
location-suffix dc=xxx, dc=it
securitypath /etc/dirsrv/dsgw
htmldir /usr/share/dirsrv/dsgw/html/
configdir /usr/share/dirsrv/dsgw/config/
gwnametrans /dsgw/
authlifetime 7200
template group groupOfNames
template ntgroup groupOfUniqueNames ntGroup
template groupun groupOfUniqueNames
template org organization
template dc domain
template orgunit organizationalUnit
template ntperson person inetOrgPerson nTUser
template orgperson person inetOrgPerson
template person person
template country country
location country "Italy" "c=IT#"
location org "This Organization" ""
location dc "This Domaincomponent" ""
location groups "Groups" "ou=Groups"
location people "People" "ou=People"
location special "Special Users" "ou=Special Users"
charset UTF-8
include "/usr/share/dirsrv/dsgw/config/dsgw-l10n.confMaurizio Marini <maumar at cost.it>"

sadly, without a specific dsgw log, i cannot diagnose anything
there is no trace in any log of what is doing dsgw ;(
at this point, a dsgw specific log can be an RFE and as such it should filed on bugzilla
isn't it?

thnx for your attention


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