[389-users] About 389 cache and backend behavior

Roberto Polli rpolli at babel.it
Thu May 24 15:49:44 UTC 2012

Hi all,

where can I find a brief description of the 389 communication between:
 - client
 - 389 cache
 - 389 backend
 - COS and VLV 

Is there a way to dwell into it without reading the code?

Thx+ Peace,
Roberto Polli
Community Manager
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
T: +39.06.9826.9651 M: +39.340.652.2736 F: +39.06.9826.9680
P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma)

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