[389-users] Install 389 1.3.x on CentOS 6.3

Moisés Barba Pérez mbarperoi at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 10:27:42 UTC 2013


I would like to upgrade our LDAP to the last stable versión in CentOS 6.3
but I have seen in the epel-389 repository that the last version is Asking at IRC channel somebody said to me there is not support
of 1.3.x on el6. I undestand this is because the package 389-ds-base is now
part of RHEL6 but, why provide the version in the epel-389 when
the last version in the el6 repo is and don't provide 1.3.x? I
know I can get the srpm and rebuild the package but people who decides what
to install here want a stable version in a estable rpm, tested and aproved.

Do we have any chance to obtain a rpm tested in rhel/centOS for 1.3.x or
the only option is to use the last version in epel-389 repo?

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