[389-users] ldap authenticaion is not getting correct information (SSL/TLS) (all files, logs included- please give me light on this)

fosiul alam expertalert at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 17:33:09 UTC 2013

Thanks for the quick Reply. I was thinking that same that some where
its missing the Bind dn

and I can conferm that, its working with definning

binddn  and bindpw in ldap.conf

but ,
I confiered this before and I never had to define binddn  and bindpw
in any where in ldap.conf and as you said that for production its not

which mean, something i have missed while configuring direcotory server,

I guess, I will have to tell Directory server to bind annonomouse
search with cn=Directory Manager or something like this.

but currnelty its not cliking on my head.

Any further help will really appreciate.

Kind Regards

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