[389-users] 389-console: tries to connect to localhost:389 instead of hostname:389

Steffen steffen.linux at gmx.de
Tue Feb 26 21:12:55 UTC 2013


I'm new to the 389 DS environment and this probably is some really
stupid mistake on my side, but I can't figure it out alone.

What I want: Connect to my server (Debian Wheezy) with the 389-console
What I got: A running (and working...well partially) 389-DS (no SSL/TLS!
What does work: I can login/access http://myservername.org:9830
What does not work: Accessing the same site via 389-console from a
remote host.

What happens when I try to connect with '389-console -a
http://myhostname.org:9830 -u cn=Directory Manager -w secret -D':

GUI: Changes to 'Initializing' then a message appears
"Cannot connect to the Directory Server "ldap://localhost:389.
LDAP error: failed to connect to server ldap://localhost:389.

Would you like to attempt to restart the Directory Server?"

(since I know that the server is running, I'm choosing 'No' which exits
the program)

Terminal output: http://pastebin.ca/2317259

Slapd-instancename/access log: http://pastebin.ca/2317260

The instance's error log has no new entries.

The content of admin-serv/access and admin-serv/error are only success
messages, no real errors.

If you need more informations, please ask.

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