[389-users] sasl/gssapi issue

Robert Viduya robert at oit.gatech.edu
Fri Mar 7 04:10:25 UTC 2014

This isn't a client issue, this is a server issue.  The server is allowing me to bind to one user using another user's credentials.  It's the server's responsibility to verify proper credentials on bind requests.

On Mar 6, 2014, at 6:17 PM, Paul Robert Marino <prmarino1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is an issue with the LDAP search command which is part of the openldap project not 389 server.
> That said I think it ignores the -X if you only have one cached credential and are using it in combination with the -Y GSSAPI option further more if you want it to prompt you for a password you need to add a -W

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