[389-users] Proper handling of "No original_tombstone for changenumber" errors

Anthony Messina amessina at messinet.com
Mon Sep 29 09:56:34 UTC 2014

Using two fully updated FreeIPA F20 masters with freeipa-
server-3.3.5-1.fc20.x86_64 and 389-ds-base-, I've 
noticed that I'm getting a lot of the following errors in the 389 DS error 
log, especially at server startup.

"No original_tombstone for changenumber=511851,cn=changelog!!"

Most often, the same changenumber repeats over and over, but there are some 
other changenumbers listed as well.  The changenumbers are different on each 

My concern is I'm preparing my thought process about the upcoming upgrade from 
F20 to F21 and it looks like I may need to create a new FreeIPA master and 
"migrate" the Dogtag stuff, etc. rather than a simple "yum upgrade" on each 
master.  Yuck!

What is the proper way to correct for these apparent errors and get these 
masters working with each other in a clean manner?

Thanks.  -A

Anthony - https://messinet.com/ - https://messinet.com/~amessina/gallery
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