arch-dependent files in -dev packages

Björn Persson bjorn at
Thu Sep 12 13:31:39 UTC 2013

Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:
> Björn Persson wrote:
> > Bindir
> Bin_Dir?  Just to follow Ada identifier style a bit.
> > Libexecdir
> Lib_Exec_Dir?  (As above.)

As I see it, either we use the GNU standard variable names or we don't.
If we don't, then I would prefer "Executables_Directory" over
"Bin_Dir". I see no point in making up names that are almost but not
quite like the GNU standard ones.

The GNU standard names are widespread and well-known. Many system
administrators and packagers will understand them immediately. They're
also already in use in Comfignat and Fedora, and I don't know of any
compelling reason to change them.

Björn Persson
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