Fedora Board meeting Tuesday 12/12

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Mon Dec 11 20:26:02 UTC 2006

On Mon, 11 Dec 2006, Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Monday 11 December 2006 15:17, Max Spevack wrote:
>> - Is the ball moving on version control stuff since the Fedora Summit?  I
>> know Jesse continues to work on pungi, but I haven't seen (or just haven't
>> been looking in the right place) a lot of follow up about the distributed
>> version control.  Where are we with that, etc?
> I thought this was supposed to take a backburner.  It was noted that CVS _has_
> some ACL stuff in place so that we can keep set permissions at a module level
> (does this include release branch, since these aren't really "branches"?) and
> that we don't _need_ a new SCM to accomplish the merger of core<->extras.

And if the answer is back burner for now, that's fine.  I just want to 
make sure it is consciously on the backburner as opposed to forgotten. 

> Personally I think a new distributed SCM would make things like 
> downstream distributions (olpc, etc..) easier, ditto secondary arches. 
> There were strong concerns though of changing too much too quickly and 
> not accomplishing the major goal(s) of the merger.



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