Fedora Board meeting Tuesday 12/12

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 21:33:42 UTC 2006

On 12/11/06, Bill Nottingham <notting at redhat.com> wrote:
> Mike McGrath (mmcgrath at fedoraproject.org) said:
> > I had the same issue with my subversion proof of concept a few months
> > back.  Is it safe or dangerous to assume that lack of interest means
> > that people just don't care as long as it works?
> Generally, with things like SCMs or build systems, no one is going
> to switch until it's "live" and they have to - they worry about getting
> their stuff packaged and can manage to migrate when they have to.
> I recall when we initally did the CVS migration internally - we
> went from a few feeble 'hm, works for me, I suppose' to 'OMG WHAT DID
> YOU DO' as soon as we made it live.

I remember that being the case with pretty much every developer push.
Updating porkchop, changes to build tools, etc etc. In herding cats,
you only get a reaction after you have changed the litter or food.
Before then it doesnt work, UNLESS its a shiny, wobbly ball that gets
their attention and they want to chase it. Getting people to change to
a new SCM is not shiney and wobbly enough.. its more like them finding
out that the cat litter has gone from dry to crystals.

Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"

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