[fab] Filesystems support in Fedora

Rahul sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jul 17 21:03:01 UTC 2006


Ext3(ext2) are the only formally supported on disk filesystems in Fedora 
apart from GFS for clustering. There is a limited option for other 
filesystems like reiserfs, xfs and jfs which doesnt go much beyond 
packaging what upstream provides and which is only meant to be 
transiently used for people migrating off such filesystems.

Moving such tools to Fedora Extras doesnt help since Anaconda wouldnt 
support it during installation time. I am not sure this would make sense 
even if Anaconda gets support for Fedora Extras. Community participation 
on such things tend to be limited due to the amount of expertise 
required. The large impact of such a core piece of technology needs to 
be taken into account here.

I believe it is better to get them supported or drop them completely 
instead of the current status quo which leads to a less tested and 
potentially dangerous option being provided to provided to end users 
(though they have to enable it explicitly). Without good support, things 
like SELinux in reiserfs to pick a example would end up being broken now 
and then and that isnt a good thing at all.

Realistically we need to make a hard choice on this. explain that well, 
stick to that and make sure that support well what we do rather than 
provide a multitude of half baked options (kernel-unsupported comes to 
mind for those aware of the pains we had with it).


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