[fab] Alternative kernels?

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Wed Sep 20 19:49:29 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 20 September 2006 15:38, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> Frankly, "might"s and "maybe"s aren't really enough here for me.  Having
> a separate kernel doesn't really do anything to enable people to help
> him... so if they're not doing it now, why are they going to be _more_
> willing to do so when we basically say "here, we endorse you having your
> own playground"?
> We went down this path for a while with the Xen kernel stuff and the
> amount of pain was way way way huge.

There is also the fun of 'You added the Extras repo, the PlanetCCRMA repo, and 
Joe's repo.  Each repo has a kernel, you've selected them all.  What do you 
boot by default?'

Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
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