FESCo/FPB vote counting

Brian Pepple bpepple at fedoraproject.org
Mon Aug 13 19:45:17 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 14:23 -0400, Christopher Aillon wrote:
> Well, I for one didn't even realize the election took place until I 
> found out that I won a seat -- by way of my getting subscribed to the 
> list.  Maybe I missed these FESCo voting announcements but I saw at 
> least 3 or 4 announcements for the board election.  It would be 
> interesting to see if the board election had better turnout.  If so, I'd 
> say we ought to simply make sure people know there's an election going 
> on.  And advertise election dates EARLY.

If I remember correctly, the FAB election had even less people actually

Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

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