The Multimedia Question

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Fri Jul 20 19:15:59 UTC 2007

On 7/20/07, Jack Aboutboul <jaboutboul at> wrote:
> Umm, here might be the dumb idea of the day, why don't we speak to
> thomas about creating a respin with the codecs under the auspices of
> fluendo and lets see how popular that becomes.  Let fluendo take control
> of it, there is really minimal work they need to do.  Let fluendo
> Release it as a one-off special edition or whatever.

So fluendo would obviously have to rebrand this not to use the Fedora
brand at all. If they go ahead and do this, which i think is a
perfectly fine idea, I'd still like there to be a bridge to show this
is associated with a larger fedora community effort, even though its
not a fedora official spin.

Is there any way we could establish a new mark that signifies fedora
derived for experiments like this to use that doesn't cause trademark
law problems for the official fedora mark?


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