Lessons Learned

Christopher Blizzard blizzard at redhat.com
Mon Mar 19 19:33:10 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 15:15 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> The repeated slippage of release dates, and recent discussions about
> 'must have' features for the next release, make me suspect that Fedora
> has no answers to the question, or at least none that are any better
> than Debian's. Fedora may not value democracy over the product, but it
> doesn't seem to have replaced democracy with anything that is
> decisively better for the product.

We're pretty focused on time-based releases, as near as I can tell,
except of course where we aren't.  The F7 release is a good example, the
only reason why it has slipped is because the most important feature
(all outside the firewall) needs more time.  But it's a problem that's
defined by time and effort, not structure or because there's some
decision we can't make.  In general, things are there by the deadline or
they aren't.


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