permission to use spec files in other projects (Was Re: clamav)

Max Spevack mspevack at
Wed Sep 26 14:34:44 UTC 2007

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Josh Boyer wrote:

> A declaration of what license (if any) the spec files are under 
> globally.  Spot is right in that they are covered by the CLA, but I 
> don't consider that to be straight forward for people consuming 
> downstream. It's also complicated by the fact that nothing disallows 
> people from adding their own license to the spec file.
> The end goal is simply to allow others to take the Fedora spec files 
> and use them in other projects.

Ok.  I've asked Mark Webbink to clarify this for me explicitly, so that 
we can remove the confusion.  I'll post back here when I hear from him.


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