Fedora Games Spin : Requesting Board Approval

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Thu Sep 27 16:13:33 UTC 2007

Jeremy Katz wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 21:10 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> We would like to request Fedora Project Board's approval on having this 
>> as part of the official release for Fedora 8 starting with test 3.
> Honestly?  I think it's too late for F8[1].  The other live images that
> are being done were pushed to have things that were testable for the
> feature freeze (test2).  This coming in at the last minute means that
> they're going to say why couldn't they wait.

I am not sure there is anything specific about games spin that requires 
testing. All the packages were those that were available in the Fedora 
repository already and unlike the other spins there is just a assorted 
set of games that doesn't have any complex interaction issues.

> And really, there's something bigger here.  We need to be able to have
> groups (such as the Games SIG) able to create and build their own live
> images and make them available without requiring the overhead of 
> 1) Release engineering being involved to actually do the build[2]
> 2) Being able to do their own testing, etc.  As it is, Will can't try
> all the combinations of everything.  Adding more doesn't help.
> 3) Be able to have releases that aren't carried by all mirrors.  Because
> the explosion of images is going to be a lot of space on mirrors which
> isn't necessarily practical given how "popular" they are
> Also, we really need to be able to have a better way of guiding people
> to the best option for them to download...  with Fedora 7, things had
> enough confusion.  As we add more to the matrix, it only gets more so.

You could do a torrent only release or let mirrors willing to carry them 
do so but within the constraints of release engineering, need for 
testing, more hard disk space etc, is there any alternative solution 
that would acceptable?

Can I host this spin elsewhere and call it Fedora games spin? I would 
like to have a workable solution to this.


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