Board term limits

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Fri Jul 25 00:09:01 UTC 2008

Luis Villa wrote:
> It seems to me that a term limit would just get a different set of
> full-timers on the board. If full-timers are the problem (and I agree
> that they might be) you might consider instead a cap on the number of
> people who work on fedora full time. The GNOME Board does something
> similar (no more than 40% of seats be held by any one company) and it
> seems to work pretty well for us.

In the event that more than 40% of the Board's elected membership is 
from one company, how do you bring it down to 40%?

My big concern is that there are many parts of Red Hat which have 
legitimate reasons to want to have some board membership, and having the 
full-timers who are most in the public eye get the popularity vote is 
pretty unfair to people from the RHEL, JBoss, etc. groups who may wish 
to participate.

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