Fedora Board election results

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Tue Jun 24 21:12:52 UTC 2008

On 24.06.2008 23:02, Max Spevack wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>> But three of those four elected are Red Hat employees for whom working 
>> and contributing to Fedora is part of their job (afaik; but is it the 
>> case for Seth? not completely sure, sorry.
> Spot, Jesse, and Seth are all paid to spend 100% of their working time 
> on tasks directly related to Fedora, or upstream tools (packages, build 
> system, yum) that Fedora uses.

Thx Max for the clarification.

And just a clarification: there is nothing wrong with being a Red Hat 
employee working on Fedora being elected to the board. It's just that 
these three guys imho without purpose had a huge advantage in the 
election due to their work.


P.S.: Earlier in this thread this could be read:

>> Is there any sort of criteria they use to pick the last seat?  I'm just
>> curious.
> The last seat is picked with the goal of balancing the background of the
> other seats on the Board.

So we get a woman on board?

/me hides


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