Fedora Board election results

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Tue Jun 24 22:42:38 UTC 2008

Michael Schwendt said the following on 06/24/2008 02:18 PM Pacific Time:
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:02:04 -0400 (EDT), Max Spevack wrote:
>> What else would you like to see from Red Hat to prove that it takes 
>> Fedora and community seriously?  I'm not trolling, I really want to 
>> konw, so that I can work on making it happen.
> What I mean is that almost all Fedora related decisions come out of Red
> Hat anyway. The few +1 from community seats during FPB meetings don't

Can  you provide some examples where this happened in the last six 
months?  That would help me understand more where you are coming from.

> matter, do they? They are just noise. It gets more interesting if a
> community rep drives something forward. Or if there is disagreement
> between Red Hat's FPB members and community reps or lobbyists. If
> necessary, do the people on the community seats have the guts to represent
> the community's interests? If they don't, what about accountability?

I think it would really help your case to put forth some specific 
examples of when this has or has not happened recently.

Maybe I'm not following what you're saying, but it sounds like you are 
suggesting that in all likelihood all non-Red Hat members get 
steamrollered or bullied by the Red Hat members?  Honestly I don't 
recall ever seeing the leadership in Fedora (FESCo or Board) vote purely 
along the lines of who employs them... if anything there is more 
disagreement amongst the Red Hat folks themselves :-)


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