Fedora Board election results

Michael Schwendt bugs.michael at gmx.net
Wed Jun 25 11:38:11 UTC 2008

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:30:02 +0100, Jonathan Roberts wrote:

> I spend a not insignificant amount of time working on and thinking
> about Fedora (maybe I need to get out more :p), and I want to be sure
> that this time isn't being wasted

Still, for many fedora contributors you come out of nowhere. Which
communication channels do I need to follow to get a picture of your
general opinion in fedora related matters? Besides your main interest
(which seems to be open content), what is your point of view about the
many other areas which are relevant to community volunteers? What topics
do you try to stay informed about? What do you care about? Do you think
fedora is doing well everywhere? What do you approve? What do you
disapprove? Where could fedora do better? Those are questions a voter is
concerned about.

> and that the project continues in a direction that I agree with.

When you speak of continuation, what are the next steps in that direction?

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