Fedora Board election results

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Wed Jun 25 13:00:13 UTC 2008

Michael Schwendt said the following on 06/24/2008 05:31 PM Pacific Time:
>> I think it would really help your case to put forth some specific 
>> examples of when this has or has not happened recently.
>> Maybe I'm not following what you're saying, 
> Looks like you're biased and in "defensive mode" already. What I'm saying,
> in other words, is that the election is rather uninteresting. So
> uninteresting that loading the web page and taking the time to vote may be
> considered a waste of time already. One can try little games like Greg
> and vote for non-RH candidates only, but one could also throw dice and
> pick random candidates.

It looks like we're not getting anywhere so I will conclude with this.

I was hoping we could have more of a "conversation" and understand each 
other's point of view which is what I was genuinely attempting to do. 
Summarily dismissing me as "biased" and "defensive" reduces things to a 
personal level (away from the issues) and limits that opportunity.

You've put forth several very strong assertions about how Red Hat 
controls all decisions and that community input is meaningless.  It is 
disingenuous to the conversation to put forth assertions like this 
without any supporting evidence and then say others are "defensive" and 
"biased" when they seek more details.


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