Fedora Board Recap 2008-JUN-24

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at redhat.com
Sun Jun 29 02:03:08 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 18:44 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:

> For example I guess a least a few Summit attendees might have joined the 
> the EPEL hackfest discussions if they were scheduled for a specific date 
> and time; likely same for the Spacewalk discussions; maybe even for the 
> rawhide discussions as well. But that of course would have required that 
> we say "EPEL discussions Friday 10 - 12, room 310; be there is you are 
> interested; we'd like to have your input how to move on with EPEL".

FWIW, we did, but we didn't widen the audience for that beyond


We pulled the ISV, EPEL, and Java packaging stuff together within the
weeks just before the Summit, and we didn't advertise the sessions as
widely as possible.  I'd thought this article was going to be in the Red
Hat Free Press (daily newspaper from the Summit), which would have
helped a bit:


Time was at least well spent with the ISVs who made the trip
upstairs. :)  I owe more reports on this, I'll post on epel-devel-list
when I make them.

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, Sr. Developer Community Mgr.
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
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