Let's re-start a discussion about role-based SIGs

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Mon May 19 20:11:45 UTC 2008

> Right, as in every other subproject, the key is finding enough process
> to make sure we can scale this effort meaningfully, without creating so
> much that people are bogged down to the point they can't do the work.
> Interestingly, I think the recent reorientation of the Docs Project[1]
> fits neatly into the role-based organization.

I wish I could make it to fudcon to have a pizza and beer session with
SIG and subproject reps concerning this.  There really isn't a lot
here in terms of mandates or policies.  I don't even need all of
projects to get on board initially for this to be profitable. I just
need enough people to be willing to try to work this way. And if its
beneficial then I expect other groups to try the role based idea.


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