Fedora websites and licensing

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Fri May 23 17:29:12 UTC 2008

Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-05-22 at 15:10 -0700, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>> IIRC, part of the question was what license the "code" involved in the 
>> website fell under.  That is does the css and templates for the websites 
>> also fall under the OPL?
> Exactly the point of this thread.  The *content* is under the OPL.  The
> markup around just the content is probably covered by that OPL.  But the
> rest of the site (CSS, Python, TurboGears, HTML, etc.) has not been
> licensed.  It is, however, a contribution, so is covered at a minimum by
> the CLA.
TurboGears apps are all licensed although not all of them have the 
license information in all the source files:

Source Headers:
     smolt: client

One License File for the Project:
     smolt: smoon (server)[2]_

[1]_: Helper script under GPLv2
[2]_: smolt client and server are hosted together in the same tarball 
and repository so the fact that the client has a header explicitly 
listing GPLv2+ might make the server GPLv2+ as well.  The smolt authors 
would probably be willing to clarify this in any case.


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